Tuesday, October 31, 2006

How dopey am I?

Guess who forgot her anniversary? Yep, that would be me. How can you forget when your anniversary is Halloween, lol!
So this is what I came up with for DH in a rush as I only had an hour and if you know me you will know an hour to make a card is a superfast.
So I'll make his favorite sausage and mash and lucky he left at 5am this morning, so he doesn't know I didn't make it til this afternoon, unless he checks my blog!


Jen said...

Well, I forget mine most years....DH reminds me.....*blushes*

And ours is April Fool's Day! So I have no excuse either......

Great card Alli!

Tonniece said...

Well happy annivserary Allie.
You are not alone there. I forgot mine last year too. LOL Lets Not tell the men though, and spoil our records. LOL
Love the card.

Have a great day

squishychickfi said...

Happy Anniversary - and I should have reminded you! Sorry hugs to you both

Sharon said...

Gorgeous Card Ally! I love it! Happy Anniversary one day late! :o)

Amanda said...

Ooopie daisy! LOL! Well, at least he will never know *smiles*

Lisa said...

The 31 st was Mikes birthday and i didn't make him a card....so you are one up on me. This is absolutely stunning by the way!

Dorinda said...

Wonderful card! colors are great!